ELaDiNa project

ELaDiNa project

Early Language Development in Nature (ELaDiNa)


EU project card: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-SI01-KA201-075971


International conference 2023
30 June 2023, Bohinj (Slovenia)


What is ELaDiNa?
ELaDiNa (Early Language Development in Nature) is Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership project (2021 – 2023), addressing the possibilities of developing and promoting language skills for children aged 3 to 7 in natural environments
. In recent years, nature-educational experience has been shown to have great potential to promote the linguistic development of children, potential which has thus far been neglected. When children are given the opportunity and space in natural environments, the curiosity of children can be aroused and acted upon, their imagination stimulated and their urge to move and fulfil themselves satisfied. These circumstances provide children with the chance to communicate intensively. The focus of the project was to recognize these opportunities and capitalize on them to help children learn and improve their language skills.

Main project intellectual outputs:

  • Generic model for early language development in nature
  • Training programme
  • Theoretical handbook
  • Practical handbook

Who is ELaDiNa?
Leading partner: Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti – CŠOD, (Slovenia), https://www.csod.si/
Project partners:

Associated partners: primary schools and preschool/daycare centres from partner countries.

When and where?
30 June 2023, CŠOD Bohinj (Ribčev Laz 63, Bohinj), Slovenia

There is no registration fee.

We will offer you free lunch and coffee.

At the conference we will present our main intellectual outputs and practical experiences in the field of early language development in nature.

At the same time, we are looking forward to learning more about your experiences and good practices in this field and discussed with you the possibilities for further development of this field.

Welcoming to join us:

  • principals, teachers, educators and other employees in elementary schools, secondary schools, kindergartens, CŠOD, schools with an adapted program, educators in student dormitories, and all other interested from educational institutions that strive to introduce modern approaches to the teaching and education of future generations,
  • university and higher education teachers, assistants, researchers, students,
  • professionals who work with "children" of all generations,
  • ALL interested in outdoor learning through experience and in a natural environment.

Your active participation: we are encouraging you to actively participate at the conference with presentation of your experiences and good practices in this field in the form of:

  • presentations,
  • field workshops.
  • posters.

Call for papers and other forms of active participation is open until 30 May 2023.

Aplication without a contribution is until 15 June 2023.

Submit your online application to the conference at this location:

Conference will be held in English language.


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