Residential centresCŠOD OE Burja


Seča 152, 6320 Portorož
Robert Krašna (vodja), Valentina Maher (051 275 986, receptorka)
05 677 24 37
031 607 569

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Program: Poletje na morju …
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Windblown days by the sea


We are expecting you on the ridge of a peninsula, among the lush Mediterranean vegetation where olive trees, cypresses and pine trees offer shade, where the rosemary and lavender give a pleasant scent, where cicadas sing in the summer and harsh bora wind blows in the winter. Our neighbours are the rocky statues of the Forma Viva that has made our place internationally known for decades. We will make an effort to present to you numerous curiosities that Slovene coastal region offers in all four seasons. We will show you how much life there is in the tidal zone. We will take you to the saltpans with canoes and show you how saltpan workers harvest salt in the summer heat and how the same saltpan pools turn into frozen “skating rinks” in the winter. We invite you for a walk in the narrow streets of Piran, past famous houses, churches and squares where sea merchants and fishermen used to walk in the last millennium. The hinterland of the Slovene Istria is also worth seeing. We will cycle along safe cycling trails. Our centre offers sports areas – combined field and fitness. During the swimming season numerous children learn how to swim in our pool. Our cooks take care of all hungry guests. We adapt our work in the centre to all our visitors. Welcome!






68 beds

30 seats in classroom

60 seats in dining room







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